Thursday, April 19, 2018

April 19 Career Day in Gimli

Day 19

Career Day in Gimli

"Do you ever cry when an animal dies?"
"How much money do you make?"

I was one of 10 guests to spend the morning at the school talking to interest students about life as a vet.  They were so engaged and their questions were hilarious.  "What's the weirdest thing you've found in a dog?"  A pair of dentures.  I even brought the x-ray to show them.

Best part of the day was meeting an artist who brought her sketchbooks.  She was working on a "Fake Journal" where she was pretending to be a vet.  How synchronistic.  She took pictures of my display.  She especially loved the tapeworm in the jar.  She gave me her card and we're going to get together to draw!

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